** 10月18日晚上7点比赛取消** -周末是返校节! 加入我们在10月18日至19日的周末有趣的EC活动. 查看完整时间表



Eastern Christian School is a private Christian school serving the children of Christian families in northern New Jersey, 纽约都会区, 在世界各地. 耶稣基督在我们所做的每件事上都是卓越的. 从学前班到12年级, 我们致力于让思想参与进来的使命, 培育精神,改变世界. We’re New Jersey’s oldest, largest, and fastest growing Christian School. Discover how EC can prepare your child to be a person of Christian vision and influence.


34 可获得的大学学分
95% 大学位置
$7M+ 为2022届学生提供大学奖学金
11:1 学生与教师比例



对于任何未来考虑EC的学生, 我可以保证不仅是一个成功的学术经历, 但这里一个全新家庭的成长. 以这种非凡的热情,看到学生的发展和成功, Eastern Christian School and the people in the community cultivate an atmosphere for positive change and for discipleship... 新葡京app只是我故事的开始, 但这是我将永远珍惜的重要部分. I would not be the person I am today without these mentors and friendships to support me each step of the way.

  • Jadyn
  • 12年级




几周后, I will be leaving Eastern Christian 高中 and going on to university where I plan to study journalism. 我在这所学校的旅程从九年级开始. 从那时起, 我的人生道路上遇到了很多不同的人, and taking advantage of experiences and opportunities that have contributed to the person I am today. Reflecting on my time at EC, there are various reasons why I am grateful to be a student here. This community and the support I’ve received has not only provided me with a way to grow in my academic passions, 但它也为我的精神信仰提供了一个繁荣的地方.

The staff would be one of the primary reasons why this school is such an encouragement. 不仅仅是教师, they are personal mentors who actively demonstrate a care and commitment toward each one of their students. A Bible teacher I had earlier in my high school career has changed my life in ways he may have never even known. He was the first to seek me out in my spiritual standstill and introduce me to new beginnings in my journey with Christ.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

In addition to the people who have walked with me, opportunities for spiritual growth abound. The opportunity for missions trips is another huge factor which makes EC stand out. The school partners with organizations who strive to teach students the meaning and purpose of being disciples of Jesus in our everyday lives. 2022年春天, 我去了林奇, Kentucky with Touch the World through EC in an effort to care for the impoverished citizens there, 给他们带来希望. 今年, 一群学生, 包括我自己, 带着非常相似的使命前往危地马拉. 在这样一个地方,可能性是无限的. Weekly chapel services and a prayerful community is one which is not available simply anywhere. Eastern Christian fosters the need for prayer and gospel outreach into the hearts of their students.


Although EC remains smaller compared to many of the public schools in the area, there are definitely advantages for those who seek to excel academically. It is here at EC that I am treated as a person, with unique gifting, passions and personality. 确实没有像我们这样的学术和大学咨询中心. They have helped me emphasize my uniqueness and individual achievements as I have pursued college paths that fit me. 但也许更重要的是, 从这个较小的, 关心社区, 我可以尝试新事物, 在各个领域都表现出色, and “shine”; whereas, 在规模较大的学校里,学生更容易融入背景.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life? 你希望在EC留下什么遗产?

I feel 100% prepared to graduate and step into this next chapter of my life, all because of the help and facilitation of the ACC and my wonderful college counselor.

EC是如何让你成为一个更好的人的? 你希望在EC留下什么遗产?

I had a long past in public school and EC was never “in the books for me”, 但这正是上帝要我去的地方. 我相信我的家就是主在的地方和这里, 在这个地方, 我百分之百相信耶稣是, 并且一直在工作, 我的最后四年. I have learned to empathize with others who come from all different types of backgrounds and communities, 也因此更好地了解了自己. I hope EC remembers Jadyn as someone who was always striving to better herself, 还有她一路上遇到的人.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

对于任何未来考虑EC的学生, 我可以保证不仅是一个成功的学术经历, 但这里一个全新家庭的成长. 以这种非凡的热情,看到学生的发展和成功, Eastern Christian School and the people in the community cultivate an atmosphere for positive change and for discipleship. 作为一个可怕的人, 胆小的新生,刚从不同的学校出来, 我不知道自己想做什么,也不知道自己想成为什么样的人. 今天, I can affirm that the Holy Spirit has filled me with the confidence and joy to go out and be the good the world needs to see. 新葡京app只是我故事的开始, 但这是我将永远珍惜的重要部分. I would not be the person I am today without these mentors and friendships to support me each step of the way.


My life verse which EC has shined light on over these past for years: 

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.——马太福音16:25


博客 & EC更新
新葡京app社团——学生, 父母, 校友, supporters and friends--are invited to a Community Worship Night on Wednesday, 11月13日晚7点开始.m. 到晚上9点.m. 这个活动是完全免费的,对所有年龄的人开放. It will be held in the high school auditorium with refreshments to follow. 在一个非常有影响力的高中教堂之后…

新葡京app接受任何肤色的学生, 性别, 比赛, 种族或民族出身的所有权利, 为学校学生提供的项目和活动. 它没有基于肤色的歧视, 性别, 比赛, ethnic or national origin in the administration of its educational policies, 招生政策, 体育或任何其他学校管理的项目.

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